What is Uniform ?
The work done on the printing machine is calculated according to the size of the work done and is called the paper layer, which is a settlement layer more than 1 degree according to the finished measure.
What is CTP and benefits ?
For printing, film removal is the process of transferring the metal mold directly onto the screen by removing these film outlets and astrolling assemblies in the process of assembling these films on the astrolons in the form of uniform, for each color, and for forming the metal molds from these assemblies. This transfer provides great time to gain time.
What is CMYK ?
In print, if there are no special colors, there are 4 main colors used. These colors, which are created by trams with certain rims and values, are printed on top. The four main colors in the print are C: Cyan, M: Macenta, Y: Yellow and K: Black. All colors come out with a blend of these colors. For example ; If there is a green color in a job, it consists of overprinting C and Y with the described technique.
What should be the format of the images to be used before printing?
The formats of images to be used in preparation for printing should be TIF, JPEG or EPS. These studies should be performed in CMYK mode, not RGB (4-color unallocated mode).